[Paper Review & Implementation] Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision (GoogleNet/Inception Net v2-3, 2015)

[Paper Review & Implementation] Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision (GoogleNet/Inception Net v2-3, 2015)

2023, May 24    



Inception v2-v3 Architecture


Figrue 5 :
Figrue 6:
Figrue 7 :

1. Add alternative ways to factorize convolution and inception

  • 5x5 -> 3x3 + 3x3
    • avoid representational bottleneck (factorizing large receptive field into multiples of small ones)
    • parameter reduction : locally adjacent pixels share parameters
    • spatial aggregation : factorizing itself creates strong correlation between adjacent units (less loss of spatial information during reduction)
  • nxn -> 1xn + nx1
    • effect dramatically increases as n grows
    • works better for medium grid-sizes (feature maps)
    • 7 is suggested as optimal in the paper

2. Parallel use of stride 2 convolution and pooling to decrease grid-size

  • Prevent representational bottlenecks and improve computational cost saving at the same time
  • can reduce loss of representational information while decreasing the grid size

3. Inception v2 -> v3 : Use RMSProp, Label Smoothing, BN-auxiliary

  • remove lower auxiliary layer (doesn’t contribute to performance at all)
  • but network with second (upper) aux classifier does overtake the network without aux near the end of the training (not in the early stages)
  • but this effect doesn’t seems to be related to increased gradient signals of lower features as expected in inception v1 paper.
  • Instead, it seems to be associated with regularization effect due to the batch normalization added to side branch.
  • BN acts as a regularizer by normalizing the activations (making sure subsequent layers to recieve inputs within a constant rage and prevent extreme activation, saturation, and inputs from entering into the non-linear regime of activation function)

Label Smoothing

Implementation with PyTorch

class BasicConv2d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channel, F, size, stride, padding=0):
        self.layer = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, F, size, stride, padding=padding),

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.layer(x)
        return out 

class InceptionA(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channel, final_F):
        self.final_F = final_F
        self.branch_5x5 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, 64, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                        BasicConv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, padding=1),
                                        BasicConv2d(64, 96, 3, 1, padding=1))
        self.branch_3x3 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, 48, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                        BasicConv2d(48, 64, 3, 1, padding=1))
        self.branch_pool = nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool2d(3,1,padding=1),
                                         BasicConv2d(in_channel, 64, 1, 1, padding=0))
        self.branch_1x1 = BasicConv2d(in_channel, 64, 1, 1, padding=0)

    def forward(self, x):
        x_concat = [self.branch_5x5(x), self.branch_3x3(x), self.branch_pool(x), self.branch_1x1(x)]
        x_concat = torch.cat(x_concat, 1)   # N,F,H,W
        assert x_concat.shape[1] == self.final_F
        return x_concat

class InceptionB(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channel, F, final_F):
        self.final_F = final_F
        self.branch_2n = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, F, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                        BasicConv2d(F, F, (1,7), 1, padding=(0,3)),
                                        BasicConv2d(F, F, (7,1), 1, padding=(3,0)),
                                        BasicConv2d(F, F, (1,7), 1, padding=(0,3)),
                                        BasicConv2d(F, 192, (7,1), 1, padding=(3,0)))
        self.branch_n = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, F, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                        BasicConv2d(F, F, (1,7), 1, padding=(0,3)),
                                        BasicConv2d(F, 192, (7,1), 1, padding=(3,0)))
        self.branch_pool = nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool2d(3,1,padding=1),
                                         BasicConv2d(in_channel, 192, 1, 1, padding=0))
        self.branch_1x1 = BasicConv2d(in_channel, 192, 1, 1, padding=0)

    def forward(self, x):
        x_concat = [self.branch_2n(x), self.branch_n(x), self.branch_pool(x), self.branch_1x1(x)]
        x_concat = torch.cat(x_concat, 1)   # N,F,H,W
        assert x_concat.shape[1] == self.final_F
        return x_concat

class GridReduc(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channel, Fs, final_F):
        self.final_F = final_F
        F0, F1, F2 = Fs
        self.convstride_5x5 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, F0, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                            BasicConv2d(F0, F1, 3, 1, padding=1),
                                            BasicConv2d(F1, F1, 3, 2, padding=0))
        self.convstride_3x3 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, F0, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                            BasicConv2d(F0, F2, 3, 2, padding=0))
        self.poolstride = nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, padding=0)

    def forward(self, x):
        x_concat = [self.convstride_5x5(x), self.convstride_3x3(x), self.poolstride(x)]
        x_concat = torch.cat(x_concat, 1)   # N,F,H,W
        assert x_concat.shape[1] == self.final_F
        return x_concat

class InceptionC(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channel, final_F):
        self.final_F = final_F
        self.branch_5x5 = nn.Sequential(BasicConv2d(in_channel, 448, 1, 1, padding=0),
                                        BasicConv2d(448, 384, 3, 1, padding=1))
        self.branch_5x5_1 = nn.Sequential(self.branch_5x5,
                                          BasicConv2d(384, 384, (1,3), 1, padding=(0,1)))
        self.branch_5x5_2 = nn.Sequential(self.branch_5x5,
                                          BasicConv2d(384, 384, (3,1), 1, padding=(1,0)))

        self.branch_3x3 = BasicConv2d(in_channel, 384, 1, 1, padding=0)
        self.branch_3x3_1 = nn.Sequential(self.branch_3x3,
                                          BasicConv2d(384, 384, (1,3), 1, padding=(0,1)))
        self.branch_3x3_2 = nn.Sequential(self.branch_3x3,
                                          BasicConv2d(384, 384, (3,1), 1, padding=(1,0)))

        self.branch_pool = nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool2d(3,1,padding=1),
                                         BasicConv2d(in_channel, 192, 1, 1, padding=0))
        self.branch_1x1 = BasicConv2d(in_channel, 320, 1, 1, padding=0)

    def forward(self, x):
        branch_5x5_concat = torch.cat([self.branch_5x5_1(x), self.branch_5x5_2(x)], 1)
        branch_3x3_concat = torch.cat([self.branch_3x3_1(x), self.branch_3x3_2(x)], 1)

        x_concat = [branch_5x5_concat, branch_3x3_concat, self.branch_pool(x), self.branch_1x1(x)]
        x_concat = torch.cat(x_concat, 1)   # N,F,H,W
        assert x_concat.shape[1] == self.final_F
        return x_concat

class AuxOut(nn.Module):  
    def __init__(self, in_channel, p, num_classes):
        self.avgpool_conv = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d(5, 3, padding=0),
                                          BasicConv2d(in_channel, 1024, 1, 1, padding=0),
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p)
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(1024, num_classes)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.avgpool_conv(x)
        x = torch.flatten(x,1)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        out = self.classifier(x)
        return out 

class Inception_V3(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, init_weights=True, p=0.5, use_aux=True, in_channel=3, num_classes=1000):
        self.use_aux = use_aux

        self.conv1a = BasicConv2d(in_channel, 32, 3, 2, padding=0)
        self.conv1b = BasicConv2d(32, 32, 3, 1, padding=0)
        self.conv1c = BasicConv2d(32, 64, 3, 1, padding=1)
        self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, padding=0)

        self.conv2a = BasicConv2d(64, 80, 3, 1, padding=0)
        self.conv2b = BasicConv2d(80, 192, 3, 2, padding=0)
        self.conv2c = BasicConv2d(192, 288, 3, 1, padding=1)

        #  inceptionA x 2 + GridReduc x 1 : input = (35x35x288), output = (17x17x768)
        self.inceptionA_1 = InceptionA(288, 288)
        self.inceptionA_2 = InceptionA(288, 288)
        self.gridreducA = GridReduc(288, (64, 96, 384), 768)

        #  inceptionB x 4 + GridReduc x 1 : input = (17x17x768), output = (8x8x1280)
        self.inceptionB_1 = InceptionB(768, 128, 768)
        self.inceptionB_2 = InceptionB(768, 160, 768)
        self.inceptionB_3 = InceptionB(768, 160, 768)
        self.inceptionB_4 = InceptionB(768, 192, 768)
        self.gridreducB = GridReduc(768, (192, 192, 320), 1280)

        #  inceptionC x 2 : out feature maps 2048
        self.inceptionC_1 = InceptionC(1280, 2048)
        self.inceptionC_2 = InceptionC(2048, 2048)   # 8x8x2048

        if use_aux:
            self.aux = AuxOut(768, p, num_classes)
            self.aux = None
        self.gap = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1,1))
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=p)
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(2048, num_classes)

        if init_weights:
            for m in self.modules():
                if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                    nn.init.trunc_normal_(m.weight, 0, 1e-2, a=-2, b=2)
                    if m.bias is not None:
                        nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
                elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
                    nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
                    nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv1a(x)
        x = self.conv1b(x)
        x = self.conv1c(x)
        x = self.maxpool1(x)

        x = self.conv2a(x)
        x = self.conv2b(x)
        x = self.conv2c(x)

        x = self.inceptionA_1(x)
        x = self.inceptionA_2(x)
        x = self.gridreducA(x)

        if self.training and self.aux is not None:
            aux_out = self.aux(x)
        else: aux_out = None

        x = self.inceptionB_1(x)
        x = self.inceptionB_2(x)
        x = self.inceptionB_3(x)
        x = self.inceptionB_4(x)
        x = self.gridreducB(x)

        x = self.inceptionC_1(x)
        x = self.inceptionC_2(x)

        x = self.gap(x)
        x = torch.flatten(x, 1)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        out = self.classifier(x)

        return aux_out, out

Model Summary

model = Inception_V3()
summary(model, input_size=(2, 3, 299, 299), device='cpu')

Layer (type:depth-idx)                             Output Shape              Param #
Inception_V3                                       --                        1,814,504
├─BasicConv2d: 1-1                                 [2, 32, 149, 149]         --
│    └─Sequential: 2-1                             [2, 32, 149, 149]         --
│    │    └─Conv2d: 3-1                            [2, 32, 149, 149]         896
│    │    └─BatchNorm2d: 3-2                       [2, 32, 149, 149]         64
│    │    └─ReLU: 3-3                              [2, 32, 149, 149]         --
├─BasicConv2d: 1-2                                 [2, 32, 147, 147]         --
│    └─Sequential: 2-2                             [2, 32, 147, 147]         --
│    │    └─Conv2d: 3-4                            [2, 32, 147, 147]         9,248
│    │    └─BatchNorm2d: 3-5                       [2, 32, 147, 147]         64
│    │    └─ReLU: 3-6                              [2, 32, 147, 147]         --
├─BasicConv2d: 1-3                                 [2, 64, 147, 147]         --
│    └─Sequential: 2-3                             [2, 64, 147, 147]         --
│    │    └─Conv2d: 3-7                            [2, 64, 147, 147]         18,496
│    │    └─BatchNorm2d: 3-8                       [2, 64, 147, 147]         128
│    │    └─ReLU: 3-9                              [2, 64, 147, 147]         --
├─MaxPool2d: 1-4                                   [2, 64, 73, 73]           --
├─BasicConv2d: 1-5                                 [2, 80, 71, 71]           --
│    └─Sequential: 2-4                             [2, 80, 71, 71]           --
│    │    └─Conv2d: 3-10                           [2, 80, 71, 71]           46,160
│    │    └─BatchNorm2d: 3-11                      [2, 80, 71, 71]           160
│    │    └─ReLU: 3-12                             [2, 80, 71, 71]           --
├─BasicConv2d: 1-6                                 [2, 192, 35, 35]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-5                             [2, 192, 35, 35]          --
│    │    └─Conv2d: 3-13                           [2, 192, 35, 35]          138,432
│    │    └─BatchNorm2d: 3-14                      [2, 192, 35, 35]          384
│    │    └─ReLU: 3-15                             [2, 192, 35, 35]          --
├─BasicConv2d: 1-7                                 [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-6                             [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
│    │    └─Conv2d: 3-16                           [2, 288, 35, 35]          497,952
│    │    └─BatchNorm2d: 3-17                      [2, 288, 35, 35]          576
│    │    └─ReLU: 3-18                             [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
├─InceptionA: 1-8                                  [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-7                             [2, 96, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-19                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-20                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           37,056
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-21                      [2, 96, 35, 35]           55,584
│    └─Sequential: 2-8                             [2, 64, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-22                      [2, 48, 35, 35]           13,968
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-23                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           27,840
│    └─Sequential: 2-9                             [2, 64, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-24                        [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-25                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-10                           [2, 64, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-26                       [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
├─InceptionA: 1-9                                  [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-11                            [2, 96, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-27                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-28                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           37,056
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-29                      [2, 96, 35, 35]           55,584
│    └─Sequential: 2-12                            [2, 64, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-30                      [2, 48, 35, 35]           13,968
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-31                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           27,840
│    └─Sequential: 2-13                            [2, 64, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-32                        [2, 288, 35, 35]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-33                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-14                           [2, 64, 35, 35]           --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-34                       [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
├─GridReduc: 1-10                                  [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-15                            [2, 96, 17, 17]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-35                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-36                      [2, 96, 35, 35]           55,584
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-37                      [2, 96, 17, 17]           83,232
│    └─Sequential: 2-16                            [2, 384, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-38                      [2, 64, 35, 35]           18,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-39                      [2, 384, 17, 17]          222,336
│    └─MaxPool2d: 2-17                             [2, 288, 17, 17]          --
├─InceptionB: 1-11                                 [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-18                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-40                      [2, 128, 17, 17]          98,688
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-41                      [2, 128, 17, 17]          115,072
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-42                      [2, 128, 17, 17]          115,072
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-43                      [2, 128, 17, 17]          115,072
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-44                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          172,608
│    └─Sequential: 2-19                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-45                      [2, 128, 17, 17]          98,688
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-46                      [2, 128, 17, 17]          115,072
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-47                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          172,608
│    └─Sequential: 2-20                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-48                        [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-49                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-21                           [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-50                       [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
├─InceptionB: 1-12                                 [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-22                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-51                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          123,360
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-52                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-53                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-54                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-55                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          215,616
│    └─Sequential: 2-23                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-56                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          123,360
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-57                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-58                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          215,616
│    └─Sequential: 2-24                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-59                        [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-60                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-25                           [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-61                       [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
├─InceptionB: 1-13                                 [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-26                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-62                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          123,360
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-63                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-64                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-65                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-66                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          215,616
│    └─Sequential: 2-27                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-67                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          123,360
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-68                      [2, 160, 17, 17]          179,680
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-69                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          215,616
│    └─Sequential: 2-28                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-70                        [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-71                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-29                           [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-72                       [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
├─InceptionB: 1-14                                 [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    └─Sequential: 2-30                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-73                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-74                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          258,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-75                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          258,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-76                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          258,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-77                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          258,624
│    └─Sequential: 2-31                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-78                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-79                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          258,624
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-80                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          258,624
│    └─Sequential: 2-32                            [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-81                        [2, 768, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-82                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-33                           [2, 192, 17, 17]          --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-83                       [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
├─GridReduc: 1-15                                  [2, 1280, 8, 8]           --
│    └─Sequential: 2-34                            [2, 192, 8, 8]            --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-84                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-85                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          332,352
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-86                      [2, 192, 8, 8]            332,352
│    └─Sequential: 2-35                            [2, 320, 8, 8]            --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-87                      [2, 192, 17, 17]          148,032
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-88                      [2, 320, 8, 8]            553,920
│    └─MaxPool2d: 2-36                             [2, 768, 8, 8]            --
├─InceptionC: 1-16                                 [2, 2048, 8, 8]           --
│    └─Sequential: 2-37                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            2,567,744
│    └─Sequential: 2-38                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-89                       [2, 384, 8, 8]            2,124,224
│    └─Sequential: 2-39                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-90                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-40                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            2,124,224
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-91                       [2, 384, 8, 8]            (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-92                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-41                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            936,192
│    └─Sequential: 2-42                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-93                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            492,672
│    └─Sequential: 2-43                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-94                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-44                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            492,672
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-95                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-96                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-45                            [2, 192, 8, 8]            --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-97                        [2, 1280, 8, 8]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-98                      [2, 192, 8, 8]            246,336
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-46                           [2, 320, 8, 8]            --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-99                       [2, 320, 8, 8]            410,560
├─InceptionC: 1-17                                 [2, 2048, 8, 8]           --
│    └─Sequential: 2-47                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            2,911,808
│    └─Sequential: 2-48                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-100                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            2,468,288
│    └─Sequential: 2-49                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-101                     [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-50                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            2,468,288
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-102                      [2, 384, 8, 8]            (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-103                     [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-51                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            1,231,104
│    └─Sequential: 2-52                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-104                     [2, 384, 8, 8]            787,584
│    └─Sequential: 2-53                            --                        (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-105                     [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-54                            [2, 384, 8, 8]            787,584
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-106                     [2, 384, 8, 8]            (recursive)
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-107                     [2, 384, 8, 8]            443,520
│    └─Sequential: 2-55                            [2, 192, 8, 8]            --
│    │    └─MaxPool2d: 3-108                       [2, 2048, 8, 8]           --
│    │    └─BasicConv2d: 3-109                     [2, 192, 8, 8]            393,792
│    └─BasicConv2d: 2-56                           [2, 320, 8, 8]            --
│    │    └─Sequential: 3-110                      [2, 320, 8, 8]            656,320
├─AdaptiveAvgPool2d: 1-18                          [2, 2048, 1, 1]           --
├─Dropout: 1-19                                    [2, 2048]                 --
├─Linear: 1-20                                     [2, 1000]                 2,049,000
Total params: 38,345,632
Trainable params: 38,345,632
Non-trainable params: 0
Total mult-adds (G): 11.19
Input size (MB): 2.15
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 259.10
Params size (MB): 92.05
Estimated Total Size (MB): 353.29

Forward Pass

x = torch.randn(2,3,299,299)
aux_out, out = model(x)

torch.Size([2, 1000])
torch.Size([2, 1000])